Why resolutions don’t work

In this New Year, many people around the world, have made resolutions about different things. However, because of daily realities, these resolutions will only last a few weeks. Here is how to make sure your resolutions have meaning and results.

Change resolutions to goals. Instead of saying simple statements like “this year I will quit taking alcohol” change it to “I will cut back the number of beers I take from 5 to 3”. A resolution is a statement of intention but a goal has visible targets and duration to achieve it.

Attach meaning to your goals. Research has proven that purpose (why you do something) provides the energy and passion to achieve set goals.

Write down your goals and purpose. Get a notebook and develop the habit of writing every day what happens (whether good or bad) with your goals.

Have someone who can keep you accountable. This is someone who you permit to regularly ask you what you are doing to achieve your goals for the year. They also celebrate your achievements with you.

Track and measure your progressThis helps you to see how much you have achieved in a certain amount of time.



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