Posts by Wangari Maina

Top 10 Songs in my Quarantine Collection

This blog post is a rare gem. Combing through most of the content, you will not see much of entertainment.... But hey, we are in[…]

Path of Choices

My Life. My Choices

In any form of crisis, what is in your control, is you and what you do about your present and future. When it's all done[…]

Lifestyle kit for a new normal

Lifestyle Kit for a New Normal

A crisis is not a bad thing. It's just a season for us to make critical life choices under pressure with the future normal as[…]

Lifestyle Kit

Lifestyle Kit

Do you have a kit for getting through this impact season of COVID19 and other life-threatening calamities? I'm not talking about the first aid kit[…]

business women laughing as they Consult & Grow

Consult & Grow in Business & Work

If you are going to consult & grow, you don't need not textbook advice. You need advice that is real, basic, practical, strategic, and specific[…]

Life After COVID-19

COVID-19 is going to be with us for a while but we can overcome it with grace through winning strength whose simple yet profound components[…]

Your Risk Appetite

Before the COVID-19 madness descended upon humanity, how was your risk appetite in matters investment, change, relationships, career, etc? How will it be after the[…]

Turning around a Dysfunctional Enterprise

The Myths of Turning Around a Dysfunctional Enterprise

Businesses, being living organisms, experience moments in time when they are dysfunctional. They stop being as per normal or standard expectations. At such times and[…]

A Tale of Two Eco-Systems

It's business borrowing from how we are structured to live as people. One big community that is made up of unique individuals with special abilities[…]

Collapsing a Thriving Business

If your business is going to experience success you and the team surrounding you must devote yourselves to growing the skill of decision-making