Posts in Employment to Business

Innovation & Creativity

Why the traditional corporate world will always be playing catch up with the idea of creativity and innovation and how it can mitigate this

making progress

Making Progress

The success journey must be measured and tracked. Here are four-time tested ways of ensuring you are making progress in the journey to achieve your

perfection is the enemy

Perfection is the Enemy of your Growth

With 2020 beckoning, we are all reminded, almost coerced, to make the right plans, the right moves, the right contacts, and the right decisions. A[…]

Why is my greatest motivation

WHY is My Greater Motivation

I do what I do so that nobody else has to feel torn to choose between making a living and living out their dreams. Thats[…]

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Power Principle: Understanding the Times

Many times we ignore or undermine the power principle of "having an understanding of the times".This principle has it that to live life fully, there[…]

How do you Evaluate Business Ideas

the process of evaluating an idea for business is almost like the way a surfer evaluates which wave to ride - surfboard in place, leg[…]

Taking Money Off the Table

On the outset, we agree that decision making where money is concerned is not an easy process. In investment circles, the phrase “taking money off[…]

The Animation Business – for Starters

Animation has evolved to not only be a good skill for the entertainment industry, but it also a handy tool for professors, book reviewers, trainers,[…]

Investing in Soup Kitchen Business

Social Entrepreneurship refers to engaging in business with the main aim of reaping societal gains as opposed to being driven by profits. Business principles that would[…]