It’s Definitely Worth Fighting For

As a follow up to the article Is it Worth it Anymore?, a couple of people have asked to me do a follow up post with some helpful pointers on how to keep fighting.

You are what you read or consume from good tried and tried and true advice.

Mel Robbins book Take Control of your Life: How to Silence Fear and Win the Mental Game is a good place to start in making your life’s success worth it. It is available as an audio book on and in it she gives life-changing advice that you can begin to apply in living your life past the disappointments you have already faced.

Stop having a low opinion about yourself and your abilities

Who said you are a failure? Are you judging yourself against the opinions that others gave? Well, even a cat has an opinion about you!. Learn to sieve the helpful and unhelpful comments and opinions people have about you. Speaking from experience, I sometimes read articles I wrote some 5 – 6 years ago and I wonder if it was me who wrote them. Why? Because they are good. I doubt my skill today because I have allowed the noise of a starving artist (because the income has not been sufficient) to seep into my heart and spirit.

As you form opinions about yourself and it is time you started making them better than they have been.

See beyond yesterday’s and today’s troubles

There is an African proverb very well said in a local dialect about troubles not being a tail that is forever a part of you even unto death. There is always hope for the next day, the next month, the next moment of life. You learn to purposely build that hope in yourself, because sometimes it is the only life line you have to connect you to success.

Hope is built, one action, one belief at a time. Do today what needs to be done to get you closer to that step of success. If you need to cold call 5 clients today, just do that and give yourself a pat on the back that you took some action. That one step or action will give you new challenges to overcome and you won’t be dealing with the same things day in, day out

Try to focus on other people for a change

The more you focus on your problems, the more it looks like you are the only one suffering. Sometimes our deliverance lies in helping others deal with their problems.

It also helps you to see other options in solving your own problems. I have watched many episodes of CNBCs Shark Tank and The Profit to know that helping/ volunteering is sometimes an insightful path into a multi-million business.

To see what opportunities lie in an otherwise desperate situation, get yourself a copy of Daymond John’s book, The Power of Broke: How Empty Pockets, a Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest Competitive Advantage

Over and above all, you need to TRUST YOURSELF. You have more to offer than what the world has made you believe so far.

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Some of the links in this post are affiliate links which means there is a likelihood I will earn a commission. This is at no extra cost to you if you go through them to make a purchase. You are not obligated to use their services and I encourage you not to spend your financial resources on the recommended products/ services unless you feel that they will enable you get further with your goals and purposes



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