Leadership in Chaos & Uncertainty

Even when the path taken leads to uncertainty and chaos, fear is farthest reaction it will emit from me.

Psalms 23

So, COVID19 hit us and turned our world upside down. Businesses were forced to close, others were forced to reinvent, others found themselves projected into abundance and high demand.

All of a sudden, experts of behaviour, crisis and change management were challenged in their thinking because the demands of the situation were different from what the world was used to.

3 years down the line, what are the highlights of one of the most tumultuous moments in history for this generation?

1. It has to matter for it to be worth dying for.

2. No situation is permanent. If it has a start date, it has an expiry date.

3. True adversity crashes the unprepared, steadies the truth and reveals the falsehoods

4. Life is a buffet of choices – what you feed on defines you and thrives in the environment you set up.

5. The foundations you lay are important as they determine your starting point after the shaking.

6. Fear will always elicit one of three responses:

  • withholding from action
  • Reaction from a point of self defense which lowers all sense of clear thinking
  • The bow and arrow effect that allows you to pull back from the situation, assess, think and implement a workable response

Feel free to share your highlights coming out of one of the most dynamic moments in modern day history in the comments below.


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