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Murder by any other name is murder

Our men are sons, fathers, brothers, brothers and above all, God's representatives on earth. No matter their social status or the bashing that life has[…]

Reset is not just a button push away

Many people needed a reset. A going back to the starting line of whatever purpose you have. A return to where you might have lost[…]

An Expression of Love

Happy Birthday is too common for a Rare Gem

The Earth is Breathing Again

No matter what we criticize this Corona virus about, one thing we have to admit, is that it has allowed the Earth to breath again.

girl holding tablet

Inheritance as a factor of Education, Wisdom and Sustainable Knowledge

The inheritance that matters: Take the time to educate your child on the things that will remain over the years - spiritual matters, how to relate[…]

Top 10 Songs in my Quarantine Collection

This blog post is a rare gem. Combing through most of the content, you will not see much of entertainment.... But hey, we are in[…]

Path of Choices

My Life. My Choices

In any form of crisis, what is in your control, is you and what you do about your present and future. When it's all done[…]

Lifestyle kit for a new normal

Lifestyle Kit for a New Normal

A crisis is not a bad thing. It's just a season for us to make critical life choices under pressure with the future normal as[…]

Lifestyle Kit

Lifestyle Kit

Do you have a kit for getting through this impact season of COVID19 and other life-threatening calamities? I'm not talking about the first aid kit[…]

business women laughing as they Consult & Grow

Consult & Grow in Business & Work

If you are going to consult & grow, you don't need not textbook advice. You need advice that is real, basic, practical, strategic, and specific[…]