Posts about #accountabilitytoself

cute baby in pink swaddle lying on blue fur blanket

9 Years on, the miracle of life continues

Nine years ago, I faced a life-threatening experience after delivering my preterm baby. This traumatic event taught me resilience and the importance of relationships, faith,[…]

Personal Order amid Public Chaos

Pursuing success is equivalent to running down a rabbit hole. You get lost in the underground of work and tries. Wouldn't you really rather become[…]

The Truth is not out there

So many years on, I realize that the truth of your life and everything that has happened, is happening or will happen is not out[…]

Drawing Roadmaps & Setting Standards

Just like sheep move as directed, so are people in an organization. They may not wait to hear your voice to tell them what to[…]

Creating Meadows & Brooks in a pandemic

COVID19 is a time of difficulty. It makes all other challenges you have had look like child's play. The Shepherd CEO role is now more[…]

The Cuboid of Progress & Love

The cuboid of progress and love is incomplete without wisdom and this is the failure of one too many leaders.

Reset is not just a button push away

Many people needed a reset. A going back to the starting line of whatever purpose you have. A return to where you might have lost[…]

The Earth is Breathing Again

No matter what we criticize this Corona virus about, one thing we have to admit, is that it has allowed the Earth to breath again.