Posts about destiny

Investing in Soup Kitchen Business

Social Entrepreneurship refers to engaging in business with the main aim of reaping societal gains as opposed to being driven by profits. Business principles that would[…]


Do you know someone whose family has a lucrative business, but they are employed at another company? When you look at them do you wonder[…]

The Power of Agreement

“Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in[…]

The Intersections of Life

Driving down many towns and cities in many countries, you are liable to find points where two or more roads meet. There can be a[…]

Life Lessons Best Learnt @ home

It’s amazing the lessons you will learn about life in the simple activities of the home. The other day we were scheduled to have a[…]

Soar! Soar! Soar! Millenials in Business

If there was ever a video that everyone who is hustling or thinking of getting into a business should get their hands on is this[…]