Posts about employment

The Younger Boss

By Winnie Mwangi This could be a difficult thing for a lot of us – to get used to having someone younger than you having[…]

Investing in Soup Kitchen Business

Social Entrepreneurship refers to engaging in business with the main aim of reaping societal gains as opposed to being driven by profits. Business principles that would[…]


Do you know someone whose family has a lucrative business, but they are employed at another company? When you look at them do you wonder[…]

The Glass Ceiling

For many years, as the corporate world has evolved, it has been common place to hear many women complaining that they have reached a glass[…]

The Intersections of Life

Driving down many towns and cities in many countries, you are liable to find points where two or more roads meet. There can be a[…]

redesign your resume

Your Resume

How to introduce yourself independent of your employer One of the most useful and yet limiting tools of transition for a long serving employee is[…]

Success is not easy

Success Doesn’t Come Easy

Have you ever wondered how our parents, aunts and uncles ever managed and still manage to work for the same employer for like more than[…]

Dealing with Millenials

The one thing Human Resource Managers are being forced to deal with is the incoming millenials to the work place. Can you imagine a millenial[…]