Posts about job satisfaction

Taking Money Off the Table

On the outset, we agree that decision making where money is concerned is not an easy process. In investment circles, the phrase “taking money off[…]

The Animation Business – for Starters

Animation has evolved to not only be a good skill for the entertainment industry, but it also a handy tool for professors, book reviewers, trainers,[…]

Lesson from a Sprinkler

The other day I was doing some household chores and I remember being quickened by the ONE who teaches us how to profit on taking a[…]

The Glass Ceiling

For many years, as the corporate world has evolved, it has been common place to hear many women complaining that they have reached a glass[…]

The Intersections of Life

Driving down many towns and cities in many countries, you are liable to find points where two or more roads meet. There can be a[…]

Building yourself as a Brand

As we take a look at you being a brand, let us evaluate two questions. If ten people from the different facets of your life[…]

Success is not easy

Success Doesn’t Come Easy

Have you ever wondered how our parents, aunts and uncles ever managed and still manage to work for the same employer for like more than[…]