Posts about millenials

Innovation & Creativity

Why the traditional corporate world will always be playing catch up with the idea of creativity and innovation and how it can mitigate this

The Animation Business – for Starters

Animation has evolved to not only be a good skill for the entertainment industry, but it also a handy tool for professors, book reviewers, trainers,[…]

Lesson from a Sprinkler

The other day I was doing some household chores and I remember being quickened by the ONE who teaches us how to profit on taking a[…]

Marketing Your Talent, Gifts or Hand Creations on Social Media

By Ory Olindo Creative people are usually of the opinion that if what they have created is pleasing to them, the general public will hold[…]

Life Lessons Best Learnt @ home

It’s amazing the lessons you will learn about life in the simple activities of the home. The other day we were scheduled to have a[…]

How to set up a Smart Study & Business Centre

If you are considering venturing into a side hustle or are desiring to give high-school leavers or other jobless citizens some dignity of work, especially[…]

Dealing with Millenials

The one thing Human Resource Managers are being forced to deal with is the incoming millenials to the work place. Can you imagine a millenial[…]