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Let the Zeros Sweat

It is normally said by financial advisers that the best way to ensure you make the best of your working life is to make your money[…]

Building yourself as a Brand

As we take a look at you being a brand, let us evaluate two questions. If ten people from the different facets of your life[…]

redesign your resume

Your Resume

How to introduce yourself independent of your employer One of the most useful and yet limiting tools of transition for a long serving employee is[…]

What makes a great entrepreneur?

Every person has something special to offer this world. Not every person will be a resounding success at business. That’s why some people will be[…]

Life Lessons Best Learnt @ home

It’s amazing the lessons you will learn about life in the simple activities of the home. The other day we were scheduled to have a[…]

How to set up a Smart Study & Business Centre

If you are considering venturing into a side hustle or are desiring to give high-school leavers or other jobless citizens some dignity of work, especially[…]

Success is not easy

Success Doesn’t Come Easy

Have you ever wondered how our parents, aunts and uncles ever managed and still manage to work for the same employer for like more than[…]

Soar! Soar! Soar! Millenials in Business

If there was ever a video that everyone who is hustling or thinking of getting into a business should get their hands on is this[…]

Dealing with Millenials

The one thing Human Resource Managers are being forced to deal with is the incoming millenials to the work place. Can you imagine a millenial[…]