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The Greatest Comeback

Comebacks are not made at the level of disappointment and hopelessness. They are founded on hope and optimism that as long as one is alive,[…]

Communication & Your Hustle

Boss Lady

Generally, men understand three types of currency - respect, space appreciation, money. These will buy you prime real estate in a man's heart & mind

Surviving an Evil Boss

How my 'ore-to-gold' season in the corporate world inspired me towards understanding and walking others through their professional transitions

Innovation & Creativity

Why the traditional corporate world will always be playing catch up with the idea of creativity and innovation and how it can mitigate this

Communication & Your Hustle

Communication Builds Your Hustle

Communication does not start and end with the said words! A large part of communication is understanding by the parties involved. Every day in your[…]

don't get hustled

DON’T get HUSTLED by your COMPETITION. Hustle Like a Pro

YOU bring a unique value proposition to the table and you must leverage it for your success

managing your hustle

Managing your Hustle Like a Pro

At any one time when you are looking at a cube, you will most likely see three faces out of the six that each has.[…]

merry christmas

Merry Christmas

I will be facilitating this program, Hustle Like a Pro from January 11, 2020 and I would love to see you or someone you can[…]

cheer factor

The Cheer Factor in the Season

Get at least 5 people and send them a cheer factor. Let them know that they have had an impact on you or in your[…]

making progress

Making Progress

The success journey must be measured and tracked. Here are four-time tested ways of ensuring you are making progress in the journey to achieve your

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