Posts about personal development

Reset is not just a button push away

Many people needed a reset. A going back to the starting line of whatever purpose you have. A return to where you might have lost[…]

know better. Live Better

Know Better. Live Better

It is indeed true that if you know better, you will live better. I had a very bad banking experience that caused me to go[…]

growth personality

Your Growth Personality

Change and growth in life come through the acquisition and application of knowledge. At some point, learning should take a back seat so that you[…]

The Animation Business – for Starters

Animation has evolved to not only be a good skill for the entertainment industry, but it also a handy tool for professors, book reviewers, trainers,[…]

Investing in Soup Kitchen Business

Social Entrepreneurship refers to engaging in business with the main aim of reaping societal gains as opposed to being driven by profits. Business principles that would[…]

The Convergence of Talent & Business

If someone told you that that thing you so easily do sometimes even with your eyes closed and without charging a coin can earn you[…]

The Intersections of Life

Driving down many towns and cities in many countries, you are liable to find points where two or more roads meet. There can be a[…]

Life Lessons Best Learnt @ home

It’s amazing the lessons you will learn about life in the simple activities of the home. The other day we were scheduled to have a[…]

Success is not easy

Success Doesn’t Come Easy

Have you ever wondered how our parents, aunts and uncles ever managed and still manage to work for the same employer for like more than[…]

Define your ‘Success’ Destination

Success is a process not a destination to be arrived at in a certain number of years and days. It is not a predetermined journey.[…]