Posts about motivation

Why is my greatest motivation

WHY is My Greater Motivation

I do what I do so that nobody else has to feel torn to choose between making a living and living out their dreams. Thats[…]

Celebrate Your Wins

The best way I have discovered to motivate yourself is by celebrating yourself. Everyone is busy with their own lives and in this noisy world,[…]

Taking Money Off the Table

On the outset, we agree that decision making where money is concerned is not an easy process. In investment circles, the phrase “taking money off[…]

The Animation Business – for Starters

Animation has evolved to not only be a good skill for the entertainment industry, but it also a handy tool for professors, book reviewers, trainers,[…]

Lesson from a Sprinkler

The other day I was doing some household chores and I remember being quickened by the ONE who teaches us how to profit on taking a[…]

Marketing Your Talent, Gifts or Hand Creations on Social Media

By Ory Olindo Creative people are usually of the opinion that if what they have created is pleasing to them, the general public will hold[…]

The Intersections of Life

Driving down many towns and cities in many countries, you are liable to find points where two or more roads meet. There can be a[…]

Life Lessons Best Learnt @ home

It’s amazing the lessons you will learn about life in the simple activities of the home. The other day we were scheduled to have a[…]

Soar! Soar! Soar! Millenials in Business

If there was ever a video that everyone who is hustling or thinking of getting into a business should get their hands on is this[…]