Posts in Become a Better Employee

The Younger Boss

By Winnie Mwangi This could be a difficult thing for a lot of us – to get used to having someone younger than you having[…]

The Power of Agreement

“Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in[…]

Lesson from a Sprinkler

The other day I was doing some household chores and I remember being quickened by the ONE who teaches us how to profit on taking a[…]

Time and The Entrepreneur

By Ory Olindo We are living in a time when more and more people are venturing into entrepreneurship or considering it. The desire to be[…]

A Lesson from my Farming Father

As retold to the author by Watens Maina When life had offered him nothing, but days spent at the local shopping center, one day my[…]

The Glass Ceiling

For many years, as the corporate world has evolved, it has been common place to hear many women complaining that they have reached a glass[…]

The Intersections of Life

Driving down many towns and cities in many countries, you are liable to find points where two or more roads meet. There can be a[…]

Building yourself as a Brand

As we take a look at you being a brand, let us evaluate two questions. If ten people from the different facets of your life[…]

redesign your resume

Your Resume

How to introduce yourself independent of your employer One of the most useful and yet limiting tools of transition for a long serving employee is[…]

Life Lessons Best Learnt @ home

It’s amazing the lessons you will learn about life in the simple activities of the home. The other day we were scheduled to have a[…]